Hello, I am Yanyu

I am a Data Science Master's student at the University of Michigan. Visualizing data, building web apps, and visiting zoos are some of my favorite pastimes.



Data visualization


More about me

Zoos I have visited

and a personal mission of mine to populate this map with a lot more bubbles

Graphic design

Graphic design has been a hobby of mine since high school. I started by designing posters for school activities, went on to design the logo and T-shirts for my class at college, and arranged the yearbook production upon our graduation.

I am not as keen on (or any good at) making 3D pieces, but here is one anyway...

"AS16Dynasty" WeChat Public Account Operation

At college, I published weekly digests on my class's WeChat public account "AS16Dynasty", where "AS16" stands for Applied Statistics Class of 2016. Most posts were reminders for homework due dates and administrative to-do items, but some also documented class activities or celebrated our classmates' birthdays. I would tailor a cover image for each post to keep the readers entertained.